Tech Startup Messaging and Website Design

Tech Startup Messaging and Website Design


Demandbase homepage


Demandbase initiated this project as a web redesign and after the requirements gathering phase we recommended restructuring the entire architecture of the site.

New sections of the site included Products & Services as a list what can be bought from Demandbase and Get Started for new customers or IT managers.

Key Challenges:

  1. Create a site with a customization engine that changes content based on the incoming user
  2. Design interactive content panels that make technical data more accessible


As UX lead, I defined how the customization engine would serve specific content to the user. I also managed one copywriter in creating succinct product messaging.


The Demandbase platform has a customization product that allows the CMS to display customized copy on web pages based on what company is visiting the website. Knowing the incoming company and 41 other attributes allows specific messaging which was defined and documented for every page.


Various interactive panels were created to show the customizability of the Demandbase products. Changing the industry, revenue, and employee count would modify the advertisement on the right.


Cross selling modules were added to the bottom of every product page to show case studies of companies that were using multiple products and the advantages they gained by using more than one Demandbase product together.

Streaming Video iPhone App



Volcom ran two surfing competitions, the Volcom Pipe Pro in Hawaii and Fiji Pro. They wanted an iOS application for their fans around the world to view the competition.

The entire project was pitched, designed and developed in 2 months. The app was highly successful with over 10,000 downloads in the first weekend and an average of 24 minutes of usage time per user.

Key Challenges:

  1. Design a universal app that looks good on both iPhone and iPad
  2. Define a mobile strategy to show where Volcom should be growing with their customers


In my role as UX lead, I helped design & pitch the concept, define the content structure and wireframe every screen for vertical and horizontal orientations.


Along with streaming video, the app let users browse the details of the surfers, view past and live results, and find out when to tune in next.


All design templates were built with portrait and landscape orientations to show how modules would re-arrange when the iOS device was rotated.

Touch annotations were also used to document to the development team every tap and swipe used in the app.


Scoring data was provided by a 3rd party and a new display layout was designed for this app. Data feeds were documented to show real time scores alongside the event time.


A mobile strategy was a component of the pitch to reinforce the value of creating an app for their customers and to chart out the future of using mobile to reach Volcom’s customers.


Hair Care Social Media Website



Tresemmé wanted a new social media website launched with the sponsorship of a new TV show, Stylista. On a highly accelerated schedule, a new site was designed & developed with a social media program within one quarter.

Key Challenges:

  1. Design a social media site and define a social program that grew a community from scratch
  2. Manage design & development & maintenance in a 3 month sprint


As lead UX architect, my role was to define the social media program, create the whole set of content and functionality in the site, including the modules of the blogging platform and the bulletin board system.


The site used a blogging platform to show articles and videos on Fashion & Shopping, Entertainment, and live events hosted by Tresemmé. These would fuel discussions on the community boards.


Content scheduling, editorial guidelines, and site moderation were all included in the planning for this social media site to plan out fresh content and spur activity within the network.