The web project was required to create an online experience that demonstrates the uber premium service that consumers can expect from Emirates.
The online marketing platform needed to support multiple luxury hotels and resorts with their own uniqueness and personality as well as a centralized internet booking engine that allowed pre-stay customization.
Key Challenges:
- Create one system that accommodates multiple luxury hotels without being clones
- Design a booking engine to do multi-room, multi-stay reservations
My role on the UX team was to define the architecture of this system and wireframe the booking flow. I also traveled to Dubai for 5 months to conduct contextual inquiries on how customers go through reservation and booking in the U.A.E.

User profiles were generated from market research and sales data to classify different types of guests that would be using the website to book their hotel and resorts stays. The European business traveler was ranked as the number one target and families stopping over in Dubai on their way onwards were second.

User flows were used to illustrate how various user groups would enter the marketing platform. This could be an existing Emirates customer that receives a marketing email to drive to a customized landing page or a personal assistant that gets to the Emirates Hotels group website via search engine. All paths would lead to the Internet Booking Engine at the heart of the hotels & resort websites.